Thursday, October 13, 2011

Taking Myself Too Seriously

OK, it's obviously been more than a month, and no new posts.  It's not like I haven't done this before, but, like my last blog, I feel I need to have a richly fascinating post with amazing photos each time I add to my blog.  Do I expect that from others? No, of course not. Do I expect that from myself? Yes, of course I do.  My goal is to post a couple times a week with what I am doing, even if it isn't directly related to my designs.  After all, I can't take myself too seriously.  I will just make myself too crazy.

So, here are some pics of new scarves I've made that are hand-dyed, but not tie-dyed, and I just love them.  Then I have to  go catch-up on "Project Runway" and get inspired. Thank you for your patience.